
TheCreativeCommonsCC0PublicDomainDedicationwaivescopyrightinterestinaworkyou'vecreatedanddedicatesittotheworld-widepublicdomain.UseCC0 ...,Thepersonwhoassociatedaworkwiththisdeedhasdedicatedtheworktothepublicdomainbywaivingallofhisorherrightstotheworkworldwideunder ...,HundredsoforganizationsuseCC0todedicatetheirworktothepublicdomain.AlthoughCC0doesn'tlegallyrequireusersofthedatatocitethesourc...

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal

The Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain Dedication waives copyright interest in a work you've created and dedicates it to the world-wide public domain. Use CC0 ...

CC0 1.0 Deed

The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under ...


Hundreds of organizations use CC0 to dedicate their work to the public domain. Although CC0 doesn't legally require users of the data to cite the source, it ...

公眾領域Public Domain

「公眾領域貢獻宣告」(CC0)可使科學家、教育工作者、藝術家、其他創作者及著作權人,或內容受資料庫保護的權利人等拋棄他們對各自著作的利益,並盡可能將這些著作釋出到 ...


問題3 CC0與公眾領域標誌(Public Domain Mark, PDM)有哪些差異? ... 不像CC授權並不適用於軟體,CC0與許多軟體授權條款相容,包含通用授權條款(General Public License, GPL) ...

Creative Commons license

CC0 is a legal tool for waiving as many rights as legally possible. Or, when not legally possible, CC0 acts as fallback as public domain equivalent license.

CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication

CC0 is a very permissive licence, like the 0BSD it releases the covered work in the public domain and grants permission to use it for any purpose, without the  ...

Public Domain License

This project is in the public domain within the United States. We waive copyright and related rights in the work worldwide through the CC0 1.0 Universal public ...

Creative Commons CC0 License

legal document dedicating a copyrighted work to the public domain.


CC0和Public Domain Mark共同取代了以美國中心的公有領域貢獻和認證(英語 ... (原始內容存檔於2010-02-11). ^ Creative Commons FAQ: Can I use a Creative Commons ...